Mule Savvy

"Stubborn as a mule."
What a flawed insult.
For comparison to this beast,
is a privilege, not a fault.

"Smart as a mule."
A statement oh so true.
A mule will not do anything,
It doesn't want or have to do.

"Works like a mule."
What a compliment!
There is no other animal,
That can supplement.

"Sings like a mule."
I'll take that any day.
Music to my ears,
Of an early morning bray.

"Ugly as a mule."
Might come as a surprise.
Intense, organic beauty,
long ears and dark brown eyes.

"Tough as a mule."
You've got a real thick skin.
Takes obstacles head on,
With a quick wink and a grin.


Cosmic Cowgirl Remorse


Red Angus Sunset